Friday, February 26, 2010

Luna Online (PC)


Luna Online is a MMORPG game that is focused on the social life that introduced many innovative features that have not been found in previous mmorpg games, including a system of fields (farming), family (family), fishing (fishing), dating (matching date), pet ( pet), and many other interesting features. By having more than 40 different Job and hundreds of unique skills, Luna Online offers players unlimited options. All this is designed to be more effective when playing solo or group. Players can set the status and skills of each character is played by his own choice so as to create a unique character and different from the others. In Luna Online, there are two races to choose from the Human and Elves. Of course, in addition to these interesting features, Luna Online also has a long story in the background of this game. And you will join races in Luna Online to fight together to protect the goddess Luna and fight against the devil who wants to rule the world

Luna Online Story

This world was created by several gods who were born during the chaos. Many participated in the creation of the god of this world. Among them, the land lord Kruz, Luna ruler months, and the rulers of light Tenia loving and the most helpful. When the gods made this world, they create a similar species and named them; Human, Elf, Dwarf, and Demon. Finally, they created the Dragon as a species that has power to make regulations for all existing species. Before Blueland started floating continent, there are many species that live here. All species live together and fight each other. However, the gods do not want to interfere in their affairs and their monitor enough. Problems among these species did not last long because there is a strong Dragon and reconcile them. Everything started to change since the arrival of Satan, who wants to rule the world, and began to attack the Dragon. Dragon has a very great power, but they always fight alone, which causes them to fall one by one since Satan attacking. Satan uses the body of a dead Dragon to create a new weapon to kill another Dragon. With this, the devil made a deal with Dragon Dragon that will never interfere with inter-species war again. But in the end, Satan declared war, and three other species; Human, Elf, and Dwarf united to fight against Satan. Satan, who has been free from threats and harassment Dragon, started doing a very powerful attack to the species which are in the Union. However, unexpectedly, the Union managed to win the battle for unity among them. In contrast to the devil who only use numbers and their strength, not their brains. Species in the Union able to protect themselves from evil forces is very much with the use of weapons and tactics that great. Apparently if all the species together, then the war can be won.


1. Character Status Information
In this section there is information about the Name, Level, HP, MP, and the number Exp Character, and Character Face view.

2. Skill Status Information
In this section there are icons that indicate Active Skill currently in use. And there is information on the period of validity of the icon Skill.

3. Information Time
In this section there are clock-shaped icon that tells information about the old characters in the game play, and sword-shaped icon that tells information about the number of opponents defeated.

4. Map
There is information about the location of the NPC characters and locations around the character.

5. Weather
Showing information current weather conditions. There are 6 types of weather that can change at any time.

6.Kolom Chating
General: normal chat to players who are around.
Group: chat to all members of the group (#).
Family: suluruh chat to family members (@).
Guild: chat to all members of the guild ($).
Union: to chat to all members of the union (%).

7. Chat Room
To create a chat room with a maximum limit of 20 people.

8. Short key column
This column can be filled with a variety of skills or potion, then you can use it by pressing the number keys 1 ~ 0 on the keyboard or clicking the shortcut directly to the desired column.

9. Action Bar Buttons
1. Information about the Item Mall.
2. Character Status Information.
3. Character Inventory information.
4. Game Information System.
5. Game Information Option.


Human beings are usually known as the most resembles God. They are not so loved nature and as quickly as Elf, and is not strong and agile like a Dwarf. However, Human truly strong when they are united. Also, there are a few of those who have power over other creatures.

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3

Elf is known as being derived from forests and nature. There was a time where they are difficult to develop offspring, for they are very careful, choosing the life of the forest and nature. Elf is very gentle and do not like to fight in real time, but they make an exception and courage against those who hurt them. They are very quick and defensive. There are still some elves who live in the woods, but now most of the elves lived together with other creatures. Elf is a very small creature. But when fighting, they beat his opponent with a very fast, so they called the powerful army.

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2

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